Our PAST Projects
Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Project
KCH completed the development of the Nicotine-Free Comic Book Series. This educational material is in the form of a comic and uses illustrations to educate about living a nicotine-free life. In addition, the comic book shares awareness of the harms of commercial tobacco and promotes healthy living through cultural connectedness.
American Lung Association: Addressing Commercial Tobacco use in Indigenous communities
KCH partnered with American Lung Association to develop a toolkit that examines issues related to commercial tobacco use and nicotine dependence in Indigenous Communities across the United States. This toolkit includes practical ideas for implementing culturally competent strategies, tools and lessons learned from public health professionals, clinicians and community partners serving diverse Indigenous communities.
From Field and Range TO Market
Keres Community Health developed a toolkit for Tribal farmers and ranchers to use as a resource to promote prosperity for their small business while also providing fresh, local food to their communities to address food deserts. This included a bi-yearly in person gathering for collaboration and demonstrations.
Indian Affairs department
Tobacco Cessation and Prevention (TCPP) Grant Management
For ten years, Keres provided grant management for the New Mexico Indian Affairs Department for its TCCP grant. This included Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) announcement, applicant review and selection, and grantee management.